Surprising Facts About Newborn Babies

Surprising Facts About Newborn Babies


3 min read

It is very astounding that a human can be created from nothing more than an egg, which is roughly the size of a hair strand, in just nine months. Especially when you realise the biggest cell in the human body is the egg. Babies are amazing; they come into the world and completely change it for the better. Parents can spend hours simply gazing in wonder at these special little people who have become such an integral part of society. So, in this blog, let's explore some amazing unknown facts you must know before you start taking care of a newborn.

  1. Their First Poop Doesn't Stink

Meconium is a black, tar-like substance composed of mucus, womb fluid, and whatever else the baby consumes while still inside its mother. However, it lacks the intestinal bacteria that cause feces to smell. Your newborn intestines will begin to colonize germs as soon as you start feeding them. After a day or so, bowel movements become green, yellow, or brown -- with that familiar odor.

  1. Sometimes Infants Stop Breathing

They probably stop breathing for five to ten seconds when they're asleep, which is enough to give a new parent anxiety. It's normal to breathe irregularly. But, it's a medical emergency if your baby stops breathing for a longer period or turns blue. When babies are excited or after crying, they may take more than 60 breaths in a minute.

  1. Their Tonsils Have Taste Buds

A baby's taste buds span a larger region, including the tonsils and back of the throat, even though they are roughly the same number as those of children and younger people. Until they are about five months, a newborn can taste sweet, bitter, and sour but not salty. It's a survival issue: Breast milk is sweet; it might be hazardous if it is bitter or sour. The foods their mother ate while she was pregnant and nursing will usually appeal to them when they first start eating solid food.

  1. They Cry Without Tears, At the First

Tears don't appear in babies until roughly a month old, but they start wailing about two to three weeks. Late afternoon and early evening are prime fussing times. Often, it's for no reason, and nothing you do will help. Around 46 weeks after gestation, or 6–8 weeks for full-term babies, is when "peak crying" occurs. Usually, the storm passes after three months.

  1. Newborns Have Breasts

Both boys and girls may appear to have tiny breasts when they are firstborn. They might even spill milk. However, avoid squeezing the stiff tiny lumps. They develop due to the baby absorbing estrogen from the mother, and they normally disappear in a few weeks. A few-day vaginal discharge or miniperiod is another possibility for newborn females.


The first year is only the start of a lifelong journey with your little one, filled with memorable moments to make, fascinating facts to uncover, and amazing adventures to experience together.

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